Cooking time for a brisket


Patrick B

New member
How long do people think it would take to cook a 11 lb brisket packer seperated at the point but combined in the cooker versus on seperate grates? Flat is about 5-6lbs point is 4-5lbs. Need to have brisket cooked and ready to eat by 1pm tomorrow.
I don't know why but I have yet to finish a butt or brisket in 2 hours per pound.

You are better off getting started a little early and placing in cooler for a couple more hours than rushing and not getting it done when you want.
Don't sperate and cook fat side down on the top grate, start at 9pm the night before cook to 190 internal in the flat. If it finishes early wrap in foil and place in a dry cooler till time to cut.
I agree with Jim...I put a 8.5 lb'r on at 9pm and took it off at 2pm at 195F and foiled in cooler until 5pm to eat.

Your 11 lb'r could take even longer....or foil and put in oven to finish if desperate.
Listen to Mr. Minion. I followed his advice on my first brisket, it came out perfect and havent changed a thing yet. Perfect every time.

