Cooking Spare Ribs and Back Ribs Together

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Bill Dowd

New member
I have one slab each of spare ribs and back ribs that I would like to cook together. Each slab weighs about 5.5 lbs. My plan is to cook the spares on the lower grate for two hours and add the back ribs to the top rack and cook four more hours. This seems to be consistent with recipes I've read for both kinds of ribs on this site. Does this sound feasible? I'm planning on a lid temp of 240 which I think would give me an upper grate temp of 225-230 and a lower grate temp of 215-220. /infopop/emoticons/icon_confused.gif Also, has anyone ever cooked a salt pork either on the WSM or (mea culpa) a gas grill?
You are bordering on too short a cooking time for the ribs. I think that a baby back that would be as high as 5lbs. for a rack would take a minimum of 5 hours up to 7 even. Spares for me take anywhere from 7-9 hours. Dont go by time though go by feel and taste.
Hi Bill,

I agree with Jeff. The BB ribs should be closer to 6 hours based upon the lid temp you mentioned. The spares should be anywhere from 7 to 9 hours, but every BBQ is different. The time will vary based upon that particular rib rack, the number of items in the WSM and the temperature at the grate, so these times are just rules of thumb. Good Luck!
Thanks to all for the good advice. I'm glad I asked the question. The spares were on for 8 hours, the baby backs on for 5.5. I started the spares on the top rack and moved them to the bottom when the baby backs went on. Lid temp stayed between 235 and 245 for most of the cook. I basted at 4 hours and again at 6. Both racks turned out great!
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