Cooking for United Way.... need some advice.

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Steve M.

I volunteered to cook for our office when we do our annual United Way work day. I plan to do 2 shoulders and a brisket to come off the smoker early morning. I'll transport in a foam cooler and serve on site (samiches and sliced). I've done that a few times, so I think I'm OK there.

The coordinator asked if I could bring my smoker and cook "something" on site. Seems likes he thinks that hickory smoke smell might draw some neighborhood folks over the work site and get them motivated to help out. I know it would work with me.

My question is what "something"? I was thinking either chicken parts (thighs, breasts, ??) or sausages. I figure I could easily get to the work site set up, fire up, and have about 2-3 hours of cook time.

A lot of creative cookers out there.... your thoughts / advice ?

Thanks in advance.

You're on the right track. I'd do chicken and sausages for sure. This chicken recipe is awesome. And the sausages always come out good.

You might also think about making up a batch of ABTs. Those things are awesome! Make them up the night before and cook 'em on site.
Just a thought, but maybe pull the water pan and go for more of a grill set up over direct heat and do some chicken wings? Give folks something to "nibble" on.
Smoked pork tenderloin is also a quick item (takes 1.5 - 2 hours) and people really like those for appetizers. I'm talking about the small pre-marinated $6 a package kind by Hormel or Armour that you find in the grocery store (I like the peppercorn flavor, altho teriaki is good too). You can slice them into little medallions and serve as appetizers right off the WSM, and they take zero prepwork. Just heat to an internal temp of 150 and serve!
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