Cooking chicken at higher temps



New member
If you are cooking whole chicken at higher temps and the water bowl is in but dry (maybe foiled) do you use a drip pan on the lower rack or let the fat drip into the dry water bowl?

Do you prefer to put the whole chicken(s) on the top rack? I have a beer can chicken wire holder which does well and I could see doing two chickens with these.

Put foil in the water pan, makes clean up easy. For HH cooks you don't need anything else. For LH cooks, clay saucer, foiled, or water if you like.
I put everything on the top rack unless I need more cooking space then use the bottom and occasionally use a 3rd rack for big cooks.

Dave when i cook bcc i leave the water pan out completly, cook the birds at 300-350 range, try to cook birds in the 4-5 lb range, come out to perfection in 1.5-2 hrs never had one go longer than 2 but u never know hope this helps.
For BCC, I set the chicken (or chickens) in a shallow pan. Cooking indirect anyway and the can/leg tripod effect keeps the chicken above the drippings. When I cook chicken on the WSM (usually use the kettle) I leave the water pan in foiled and dry.

