Cooking a Full Brisket & 2 Butts



My first smoke of the spring I decided to smoke a full brisket (9.3 lbs trimmed, rubbed) and two butts (12.9 lbs). Because of family commitments, I started late, I did not place the lid until 5pm last night. 14 hrs later, the butts came out buttah tender and so did the entire brisket. I was tired, once my WSM with clay pot locked in a 250, I left it alone. This AM, I tried to remove the cap by hand but it fell apart, I ended up using a long spatula and tongs. The flat is the same way. After resting for 2 hrs, the flat was tasty and a tad dry but I saved and removed the grease from the drippings so it's good. For brisket, don't you want it to keep some form so you can slice, not pull like a butt? Any suggestions for recipes for buttah tender.

I used my Xmas gift FoodSaver for the first time and froze all the brisket and 90% of the butt. I'm doing the 7 lbs of short ribs recipe featured on the TVWBB home page right now. For $3.51/lb incl bone, these had better taste outstanding....

Agree with Bob. Always cook big cuts of meat to tender not meat temp nor time. The flat will be done before the point on Briskets!

