Cooking 1st brisket and Ribs

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I was wondering if anyone out there can give me some pointers. I just got my WSM and I'm really looking forward to using it! I bought an 8lb brisket and would also like to cook some ribs.

Anyone have some tips/techniques on how these two can be cooked together in the WSM? I'll start the Brisket on Friday at 10:00pm. Can I add the ribs later?


Welcome to the world of the WSM. I hope and believe you'll enjoy your cooker.

I always tell newcomers to the site to read the sections on the main page concerning the WSM, cooking methods, etc. There is a wealth of info there and presented in a very clear and logical fashion. If you only read the post, you'll end up with a snapshot and maybe miss something really important.

There is a good section on cooking a brisket. Much has been written on the forum about it and I recall a post by Kevin Taylor, one of the legends, that seemed very good. You can probably find it on a search under members displayed names.

You can certainly do ribs along with the brisket by starting them much later in the cook. If you started them about 4 hrs before the brisket finished you could take the brisket off and hold in foil in a cooler till the ribs were ready. Problem is, it's not so easy to pick a point that is 4 hrs before the brisket will be ready. Maybe put the ribs on when the brisket is at 160 would work. If you start your brisket at 10:00 p.m., you might start the ribs at 6:00 a.m. BB will take 4-5 hrs and spares around 7+ in my experience.

Good luck on your first cook with the WSM. Remember, it's supposed to be fun and if you did everything perfect the first time you'd have nothing to look forward to. /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

You can do them together but note that with the dinking around you'll do with the ribs (foiling, basting, etc), it will extend your total cook time on the brisket what with all the opening and closing of your smoker.

If it was me I would prefer to do pork butts on top with brisket on the bottom grate, and ribs in a totally separate smoke run(since I usually use a different wood for my ribs, sassafras)...but that's just me.
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