Cooker Battle Scars!


Tony Hunter

2006 was a rough year for the troops, so, today I thought I would check them into the hospital to see if I could do some work on the battle scars.

Here are the troops wounded and scared from a busy 2006.

The CG is my Infantry Smoker; it will handle a whole lot of meat very efficiently but it requires more maintenance in the field.

The WSM is my Special Forces smoker; it is sleek, stealthy and can cook for long grueling periods without a fuel reload. This guy was designed for cooking brutality - "Semper Fi!" "Ooh-Rah!"

Last but not certainly not least is my Tactical Support Liason - the Cheapie Meco grill! This rugged little go-getter does everything from holding the charcoal starter - to backing up the CG and WSM as a food warmer - to being a basic catch-all temporary storage facility! Hats off to this little known but very important troop!

The CG has been cleaned, painted and re-seasoned...

The WSM has been cleaned and a new Access Door has been ordered from the Weber base camp. In the meantime, Heavy Duty foil wrapped around the beaten and tormented door serves as a bandage for this gaping wound.

And as a special tribute to the Cheapie Meco Grill, he is allowed to stand side-by-side with the WSM as the CG is being re-seasoned for the 2007 battle!

Just like our brave and couragous troops serving our great country around the world, these guys have survived to fight another day!

May God bless our troops in Iraq, Afghanistan and all around the world who live and die for the freedoms we too often take for granted! Amen!


