Cook Time 7.7 lb Bone-In Butt

Rule of thumb is 1.5 - 2 hrs per lb. @ 250 cooking grate temp. Remember to allow for at least 1 -2 hr rest time in a cooler. I usually do 2 - 4 hr rest time.
Does more meat mean longer cook times... say if you are doing 4 butts instead of 1 or it doesnt matter as long as its 250. Thanks.
I go with the 1 1/2 hours per pound + 1 lb so your 7.7 becomes 8.7 x 1.5 = 13 hours, but why not add either a second or something else?

This will double your fuel efficiency, if you do a second it wont take double the time, and you can cool, chill and freeze the second for a pre-cooked meal next week, or put a joint of beef on the bottom rack and ignore it till the pork is cooked, or maybe throw on a couple of racks of ribs.

Any thing that you like can be added without a big time penalty, if you are cooking only for two or three, (and this is the only reason you are thinking of just doing the one item), ask your neighbors or friends if they are interested and want to have you smoke something for them, if you make it the same item stick a toothpick (or a skewer or cut/trim) in yours to diferentiate between them.

You could cook 4 butts in about 15 hours, so for 2 extra hours you can please yourselves and 2 or 3 others.

Think about asking around if you can't fill it for yourselves, you may be pleasantly surprised at the outcome!
Base on what I've read by clicking on the home page, three 7 pound butts require around 18 hours of cook time at 250 F.

I realize what you're stating. As to me, although I'm well educated I learn thru repetition: one thing at a time till I get the hang of it. I do realize what you're saying.
I'm a penny pincher of the first order, cents and dimes quail as I walk past, so I always try and maximize my return on my fuel cost.

Not trying to force you out of your comfort zone, as much as trying to get you into mine!
icon_biggrin.gif you could call this quick butt?
Well, the night has passed and about 2/3'rds of a bag of charcoal exhausted. If nearly a whole bag of charcoal is required for 1 butt, then I plan to consolidate by cooking other things along with it! The WSM definitely eats charcoal for breakfast, lunch, dinner and dessert.

I just used up one full bag myself on an overnight cook which is still in progress I might add. I have one butt on the top grate, about 7.5 punds. It's been 13.5 hours.

Temperature at the grill measured around 245-260F for most of the night and, presently at the 10.5 hour mark, meat temp is 195. Lid temperature using a Tel Tru with a 2.5 inch stem measures 10-15 degrees less, arond 235F.

At the 6 hour mark I added about 2/3'rds chimney of UNLIT coals that quickly fired-up with no temperature problems.
You did the right thing by adding coals at the 6 hour mark. I should have added unlit coals at 1;00 a.m. before I went to bed. My temps are at 190 presently. I will proabbly pull the meat off at 9:15 a.m. My tel tru presently measures 270 at the lid. My weber therm at the grate through an eyelet measurs 300. I did not install the tel tru permanently. I lightly screwed the 2.5 inch them through the vent lid. So, the threads of the therm are basically on the outside of the lid not inside which may effect the temp readings. Both therms were calibrated so I am mystified over the 30 degree difference.
I removed my butt at the 11 hour mark when the meat temperature measured 198 F. It's resting comfortably, all foiled and covered with a dish for the next hour or so.
Originally posted by Mike Batsarisakis:
You did the right thing by adding coals at the 6 hour mark.
You might just beable to poke at the coals to let ash fall to let lower coals light up. I did my first port butt this weekend also. filled up the charcoal ring to the max with wood on top and check to see if the water pan would hit. Then got 20 coals off the top and lit them around 10pm. Put the meat on a little before 11pm. That was all i needed for the entire 15hrs it took to cook the butt. I did have to poke at the coals to let ash fall a few time but didnt have to add more coal. Matter of fact when i took the meat off the temp inside was 260* (opened the vents so it can finish faster) My regular temp was between 225-245 .

Here is the thread I read to get 15hrs out of 1 full charcoal ring.
here you go.
Read Davis Lewis's post.

