Convert to Built-In


Michael Roman

New member
Hey all long time lurker and finally decided to join. Just curious if anyone has any experience with converting their cart grill to a built in grill for an outdoor space?

I have a Summit S-620 and was wanting to possibly take the top portion of the grill off and build a brick surround around it. I assume the slits in the front metal housing is for venting purposes? Is there any other space I need to be concerned about as far as venting goes (like maybe the back of the grill)?

Thanks for any assistance you can provide...

Hi Michael,

I have not actually played with the 620/660 series, but I do know a bit about the prior Summit Silver/Gold/Platinum series.

With these you basically lift the cookbox section out of the cart and place in in the cutout.

The actual built in Summits have some fancy SS ducting/heat shields at the rear of the cookbox, but it is easy enough to work around that remembering it get really hot where the exaust gas comes out.
Hi Michael,
the instruction sheet for the 660 Summit gives you the recommended clearances for a built in,

Hi Michael,

I have not actually played with the 620/660 series, but I do know a bit about the prior Summit Silver/Gold/Platinum series.

With these you basically lift the cookbox section out of the cart and place in in the cutout.

The actual built in Summits have some fancy SS ducting/heat shields at the rear of the cookbox, but it is easy enough to work around that remembering it get really hot where the exaust gas comes out.

So you think it is possible to take the cook top off the cart and put it in a brick/block surround? My only concern was making sure I allowed proper venting. I know the cook top has slots in the front by the heat dials but not sure if that was for venting or not.

I also know the cart has slots on the side but not sure what those are for either. Maybe for venting / exhaust for gas fumes?

Anyway, I just wanted to be sure to allow enough room all around the cook top so I don't blow anything up combustion wise:)

Any other comments or suggestions?

Thanks again,
Hi Michael,

I just had a good read of the 660 install instructions, and the information you seek is pretty much in there.

• Cross ventilation must be incorporated in the supporting structure. We recommend a minimum of 100 square inches (254 square cm) of venting per side.
• Vents should be on two sides of the structure.
• The drawings are for reference only.
• Position of the vents should be from the center, outward.
• Position the vents at both the bottom of the structure and at the top of the structure.
• The bottom vents should be as close to ground level as possible. Make sure the vent
area is not blocked by interior supports of the structure.
• We recommend vents with screens.
• Access doors to the structure are not considered vents.
• Clean the vents periodically.

I think these instructions are more for the event of a gas leak (LP tends to pool at the bottom) so the need for a bottom vent and cross ventilation in the support structure.

Having said that it appears to me that a 660 Built in is a 620 etc with the side tables taken off and a sides/rear vent and trim kit added.
You do not remove the cookbox from the supporting frame as with the Summit Silver/Gold/Platinums rather you attach some SS vent trims to the sides, rear and front bottom and then wheel the whole thing into the cutout.

Then if you still have a gap on the top and sides there are more SS trims you can fit.

I suspect the front vents you refer to, and the side SS vent trims with the 660 are to vent heat radiating from the cookbox, not exhaust gasses, which is the job of the rear lid vent.

The existing ventilation slots in your cart probably match the slots in a 660 cart?

I have no idea if you can buy a trim kit from Weber or the parts suppliers. Probably would cost a bit.

