Convert a Performer Ignition to Natural Gas?



My 5# tank from my SS Performer just ran out for the first time since buying it on CL. Prior to becoming Weberized, I had a natural gas grill plumbed right into my house. The connection is right where my Performer sits. So I was thinking how nice it would be to plumb the performer into that natural gas connection. Can I convert the performer to natural gas? If so, do I need to change anything out? I would love to not have to worry about getting the tank refilled!

Thanks in advance for the help!
You can certainly adapt it. You may have to drill out the orifice to the correct size, but since it's just for lighting charcoal, I would hook it up and use it as is. The flame my not be perfect, but it will light charcoal.
You can certainly adapt it. You may have to drill out the orifice to the correct size, but since it's just for lighting charcoal, I would hook it up and use it as is. The flame my not be perfect, but it will light charcoal.

I suggest that while this might be possible, but that doing so is pretty dangerous.

Natural gas burns hotter than propane. It may be hot enough to melt the burner tube. What if a load of charcoal got a little bit out of control, and you are then tethered to your house's gas supply?

I've heard of people burning their homes down by using grills in ways other than intended. Using NG on a Performer just seems too dangerous to me.
No, the propane will burn hotter than the NG.
There is no safety issue with using NG to light his charcoal.
I've decided that this probably is more work than it's worth. Part of the reason I wanted to do this is because the 5lb tank is pretty old (like the grill) so I was worried that I wouldn't be able to get it refilled. But today I was able to get it filled no problem. I cost like $3 or something. So I'll just stick with that. I do like to portability of the grill with the tank.

Thanks for the input.

