Congrats Stogie

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Congrats to Stogie for taking 1st place in Desert and second place in ribs at the Madison contest this weekend.
Now...if you would throw away that Texas crutch, you might have taken first in ribs.~~~~
Thanks DB!!

My partner Tim cooked up some Key Lime Tarts and not only took first, but had a perfect 180! Only wish it would have counted toward Grand Champion.

About those ribs.......after many years I finally have a pretty good rib recipe and you want me to change??? I think I'll stick to my ribs...crutch and all! LOL

Funny thing....I started to salt my ribs just prior to saucing and that has garnered me a 4th Place in Illinois and the 2nd this weekend. I always thought my rub had enough salt, but after tasting my meats this weekend, I could tell they all needed additional salt. I guess I should have tasted my meats for the last several years when competeing!!

Anyway, this was the best contest we have ever attended. Much of the fun was derived from the excellent neighbors we had....a real fun loving bunch. We were up until about 4am with a couple of VERY good guitar pickers and singers.

Finally, at last had the chance to meet Dale G and his lovely wife and daughter and nephew Ronnie.....Big Daddy and the Kid....he made 2 trips to the stage...5th in Chicken and 10th in brisket, so my hearty congrats to him!

Thanks again DB! Good luck in the rest of your cooks this season!
Stogie and Dale
Nice job.
Ribs are normally the most competitive category, you got be stepin' to take a second.
I know you have been working hard to improve, it's paying off.
Congrats to you both.
Thanks Jim! As you know, I had some great teachers on the MIM circuit.

I will be cooking at the Georgia State Fair in Macon on the weekend of Sept. 27 & 28. If anyone is interested in attending let me know.


The Key Limes are normally available at our local Meijer's superstore. Otherwise, there are a few good brands of Key Lime juice.
Hey Jim, and Stogie,
Thanks. I have been working hard all summer trying to find the right combination. Funny thing, I thought my brisket was tender but dry, and my neighbor (who took 1st in Brisket) thought his brisket was juicy but tough. We laughed about combining our entry some way and we would take it all. Neither of us figured we would do much in the brisket category, go figure!!

As Stogie said, this was a fun cookoff. Right on the banks of the Ohio River, weather was beautiful, and the neighbors were--fun and unusual. I'll post a picture of one neighbor's cooker later--let's just say that it might be a proto-type for a next generation WSM. Weber Dave--keep your eyes open for this one.

Overall, our team came in 13th out of 28 teams--very happy with the results-but still got to figure out what makes for good pork--I love what I make but the judges see differently. Oh well, on to Nelsonville, I guess.

Stogie, thanks for the good eats and great conversation. Having you nearby made it all feel like home.

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