cold smoking

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I'm really new to this, so please bear with me. I'm about to order a weber bullet, but I'm also interested in cold smoking. Has anyone modified their bullet for cold smoking--if so, how? Or do you use a dedicated cold smoker?


It can be done but a dedicated cooker will be easier in the long run. E-mail if you want a set up to use WSM as cold smoker.
LOL!!! Kelly, your post totally threw me. Coincidentally, I am just getting into the mode of wanting to do some cold smoking. As I read your message, all I saw was your name -- and I thought, "I don't remember writing that!" It REALLY confused me for a second, until I realized there's another Kelly on board!

Welcome -- you will enjoy your Weber bullet, and hopefully we can share our cold smoking stories!

Jim: Thank you for the kind offer! I've sent an email your way.

Kelly: Perhaps I'm your alter-ego!

I saw an episode of "Good Eats" a while back where Alton Brown smoked some bacon, and I haven't been able to get it out of my head. I've got to try that. He put his own unit together, but I'm significantly lazier than that, so I figured the Bullet would be a good start.

Let's definitely keep each other posted on this endeavor! Mmmmm...bacon...

If you're interested I can e-mail you some pictures my dad sent me the other day, showing the pork belly he starts out with, along with pictures of his cold-smoker set-up. Send me an e-mail and let me know!

Thanks, Jim. My mom has an old upright freezer in her garage that she is planning on discarding, and I was thinking of using that. I would, however, like something more portable so I think I'll look around and see what I can find/make. Good excuse to hit the thrift stores and garage sales!

Thanks for the info!

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