cold smoking information.....

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Ron F

Ok I know I haven't even fired up the WSM yet but I AM getting to that. I would also like to get into some cold smoking one of these days. I did see the WSM cold smoker conversion. I found plans and printed them out on how to make a cold smoker out of an old fridge. Right now tho I'm just trying to gather information on cold smoking and was wondering if anyone knew of some good books to buy on the subject or sites on the WWW to visit. I've tried finding info on cold smoking and have found a little, but nothing very informative. I especially want to get into cold smoking fish......thanks again...


I was actually talking about cold-smoking vs. hot-smoking. Cold smoking is done at temps between 70-90 degrees. Cold smoked fish is one of my favorite things to eat....

I guess I could have worded my original post a little better! As it turns out I am going to put to use the info that was on that link you posted. It gets cold here in Michigan and I will need something just like that if I'm to use the WSM during the winter months..... Thanks for your help..


Check your local library. We've got a couple of books on meat preservation and smoking at the library. They're 10-20 years old, but we're not talking about leading-edge technology here!

Where I live almost every farm has a now unused smoke-house. Many of the old-timers smoked and cured meat up until about 20 years ago. I've talked to a few of them and am trying to get a good idea of techniques and recipes.

Unfortunately, the details have been lost to time or never were clearly understood. They all basically followed the old family recipe or did things by feel. Too bad that smoking and curing is becoming a lost art.
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