Cold Smoker Idea

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I recently read a thread that someone wanted to use a smokie joe to generate the smoke and pipe it into a WSM (instead of a cardboard box). What about reversing the process. I notice that the WSM pushes a ton of smoke out the top vents, or can.

I obtained a spare WSM lid from Weber CS since mine was "bent on shipping" (NOT!). I plan on cutting out the top vent and running a vent hose from the top of the WSM to the bottom of an old smokie copy from Walmart ($10). I will use the WSM to burn my wood and the smokie as the cold smoking chamber.

My only concern is the use of a fan. I personally dont think it will be necessary due to the amount of smoke that is usually pushed out of the top of the WSM..

Any thoughts?
I obtained a spare WSM lid from Weber CS since mine was "bent on shipping" (NOT!).
I think that taking advantage of the excellent customer service at Weber is pretty low. Sending out parts based on bogus requests only adds to the sticker price for all of us. Hopefully I misinterpreted your note, and if so I apologize.
Unfortunately, I had the same interpretation and reaction. If in fact that was the case,
it certainly is a disservice to all. Let's hope otherwise.
Since this is WSM modifications forum, and not an ethics forum, any on topic replies to using a fan or not are very welcome !
The moderator was attempting to buy a part Weber was reluctant to sell. That's a little different than scamming free parts.
As our moderator encouraged white lies with CS...

Chris never encouraged anyone to defraud Weber. As you read the original post, the part was paid for. The "white lie" was brought up because of the issue of Weber honoring the warranty on a modified unit. No statement of making a claim against the warranty was brought up or implied. Just keeping it legit.
Originally posted by g poduska:
Any thoughts?
My thoughts are, that's one hell of an introduction there, g poduska. Good luck with your cold smoker.

Just my point.. I didnt ask for anyone's opinion on my judgement.. I asked a technical question and looked for technical answers to my modification (please look at my origial post). Period.. Im not trying to ruffel feathers, nor anything of the sort. If people dont agree with my methods of procurement, that is fine. But I simply dont think this is the place to discuss it !!

Please folks.. back to the modification. I really dont care how you got your parts, nor have I ever asked..

My comments were taked off topic. So I responded.. So please ignore the offending sentence and you will see, it was a fairly good introduction to the forum !
Just one off-topic comment then I'll get back on topic... Your inclusion of (NOT!) in your comment is what drew everyone's attention to the questionable circumstances involved in you having an extra lid, so you really can't fault anyone for focusing in on that area of your post.

OK... Back to your technical question... If the general airflow from the WSM through the hose and into the Smokie I don't think you'll need a fan since heat will rise through the whole contraption (and I don't mean contraption negatively). If you can't maintain a vertical air path, then a fan assist may be needed.

BTW, when a WSM is burning cleanly there really isn't much smoke. If you are getting a lot of smoke then your fire isn't burning cleanly and you may get off flavors from the smoke.

One other thought, and I haven't done any research on this, so if someone has tried it and it won't work, please correct me. When I cold smoked cheese in my BGE, I built a small fire (4 briquettes) and placed the flavor wood on top of that fire, and then used a pan full of ice cubes to keep them temp down inside the Egg. I ran for almost two hours on those 4 briquettes and the temp in the Egg never got above 80 degrees. It may be possible to do the same with a WSM by building a small fire and filling the water pan with ice. I just haven't tried it.
Thanks Ron for getting the thread back on topic !

So unless i find a way to get the smokie higher than the WSM, the smoke will probably find the point of least resistance to escape and not up and then down the tube if the smokie were on the ground..

This leads to an interesting design of mounting via rack or something the smokie directly above the closed WSM...

With ICE in the pan, sounds like it will keep the temp down, but wont that be too much moisture for cheese or nuts?
I didn't have any problem with moisture in the Egg, which is a similar cooking environment to the WSM in the the airflow is vertical and it is fairly well sealed. Here are a couple of pics of the cheese in the Egg.

In the Egg

Finished product

Again, I haven't tried this in my WSM, so YMMV
I see what you are trying to accomplish and I've seen it done with two BGE's. I think I'd just use the Smokey Joe for the smoke generator and use the WSM and both racks for the cheese. My thoughts would be to use a few briqs and then a pan or foil pouch of wood sawdust (Little Cheif/Luhr Jensen). JMO

