cleaning stubborn inside of grill


Ken Mc

TVWBB Super Fan
Just a question for you cleaning experts. I have a VERY hard to clean kettle. I have tried everything that I know of. Plastic scrapers, plastic razor blades, size 0 steel wool, greased lightening, and Dawn. Nothing will touch the burnt on gunk. This is my 7th one to re-store and the hardest by far. Any other suggestions to get this burnt on stuff off would be appreciated.
On another note, I found that working at a metal finishing plant has it's rewards. I started to nickle plate my charcoal grates now to keep from rusting. They look beautiful and it doesn't cost me anything to do it, except for the priced of a new grate. They should last a very long time.
O.K., I figured it out. Easy Off oven cleaner in a big black garbage bag in the sunshine for a few hours. Done deal.

