Cleaning inside Weber Q NG lid


Keith Hill

TVWBB Member
Its starting to get a bit dirty on the inside for me, any way some it might not bother, but I like every thing clean and tidy.

What is the best way to clean it only thing is I am a bit wary of using chemicals (health reasons fumes etc).

I also have to rely on postage as I am no longer driving, Super market products not a problem easily obtained.

Keith :):)
I've cleaned a few Q's that I've bought as gifts off craigslist with oven cleaner. They do have a version that claims to be fume free.

The standard oven cleaner has always worked like a charm for me. Just spray it on, let it sit for an hout or so, and wipe that blackness right off.

Takes it from this:

to this:

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i just use some cleaners such as zep or simple green or what i really like is some orange cleaner from the 99c store. i use plastic scrapers and stiff brushes. after that use dishwashing soap and rinse thouroughly. then heat up to high before using. i would not use oven cleaner on the raw aluminum nor on the painted surfaces. webers paint is not top notch. oven cleaner is fine on the grate.
Thank you it looks like a wide range of products.

I have a Orange cleaner Aldi's I use it on the kitchen hot plate.

I will take if off and do a test spot first.

It would be interesting to hear what Weber have to say.

looked to see what weber says but got bored. i don't think they say much. i know the paint can be iffy so just be carefull there.

