Chuck Roll

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Tom Raveret

Ok I'm taking my first crack at Chuck Roll to day but I decided to cut the beast in half so I'm cooking a 7.5 lb roast. I have my maverick et-73 food probe buried in the middle of the roast and am a bit concerned at how fast the temp of the roast is coming up. In two hours I've gone from 46 degrees to 120. My temps have been steady in the cooker used Minion method to fire up and was as high as 234 and levelled off around 228. I know I'll plateau at 165 or so when it starts breaking down the collagen but it seems like that is an awful quick temp jump for a roast that came straight out of the fridge.

Any thoughts or comments?

Is there an opinion on foiling to finish this roast or not foiling? Chgris foiled in his article but I was wondering if anyone has experience they could share with not foiling Chuck Roll and results?


I am at work now and can't give you the exact temps and times, however, mine did the same thing. It seemed that the temps rose incredibly quickly then they leveled off to what I would consider a normal temp climb. I did not foil mine. When I get home around 4pmEDT I will check my logs and get back to you.

If I remeber right mine was about 15lbs and it took right around 12-13 hours. It turned out great. Wonderful pulled bbq beef sandwiches.

I'll get back with you later.
Maybe just lay some strips of bacon over the top? I just wonder if the foiling in the cook described on the website didn't make a difference as to whether basting seemed unnecessary.
well its 6 hours on my 7.5 lb chuck roll cook and I'm already at 165 the rise seems to be slowing so nowthe only decision is to foil or not to foil?

Any other opinions?
Ryan and I cook lots of these rolls. I have tried both methods and now always foil at 165. I also dump some thin sauce on top of that. I have found that if you don't foil, the bark is so hard you loose quite a bit of good bbq beef cutting it off.

Just checked my cook log. It took 13.5 hours to do mine. The temp stayed between 161 and 172 for two and 1/2 hours. I took it off at 190. I basted mine with apple juice, like I do all my cooks at the half times.

And I was wrong, I did foil mine at 165 and took it to 190. Sorry about that.
we are foiled at 165 and now I'm going to crank a little heat and take it upto 250 if I can to push the time now that I'm foiled
I love Beef but was never that much a fan of Beef BBQ but this is gooooood eating. I still like Butts better but Chuck Roll will become a regular piece of my BBQ repetoir.

A 7.5 lb took 8:45 to get to 195. Then I stuffed it in the oven on warm (170) for a couple of hours cause I had to be somewhere but alos to try and break down the collagen a bit more. It was good. Glad I foiled!!!

Thanks for all the help!!!
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