chuck question


j. pavone

TVWBB Super Fan
I am going to smoke a 7lb boneless chuck this weekend for myself becuase i am in the mood for some beef bbq. Should i go by what is mentioned here under the chuck roll section or just wing it like i always do with perfect results?
J -
Not sure what all info you are looking for, but pages 2 and 3 of the beef recipe threads have chuck roast recipes.

I did my first chuckies this weekend (eating for lunch as I type!) I seasoned with Montreal steak seasoning and smoked them at 250-260 dome temp until they were 200. Cooked over RO lump with a chunk of cherry and 3 birch. Rested them for a couple of hours and pulled them like a butt. Great flavor. Good and smokey, they make great sammies.
Chuck is one of my favorites and I do them quite often. A chuck roll is a much bigger cut of meat than a chuck roast, although the way you do it is similar. It works well to foil for the last third with onions and garlic and a little liquid added.

You'll also get a fantastic pot roast if you smoke a chuck roast for about 3-4 hours, then into the dutch oven with some stock, wine and veggies.
I agree with Clark as I have only smoked them for pulled beef. Tender, juicy and great flavor. I take mine 200-205*.

And with David for the pot roast. It is great too.

My roasts are usually in the 4 lb range.

Was there a particular post you were referring to?
Ok i was way off
i actually have a 4 lb chuck roast - maybe i should have looked before posting but anyway i was looking under the cooking topics section under beef where it mentions about cooking a chuck roll. Should i be following those directions? I am hoping to end up with pulled or shreaded beef bbq.
That is the same thing I am smoking tomorrow...I will be smoking at about 230-240 for 9 hrs or so, It should be at about 200* when I take it off.

Pretty much what Clark mentioned above too. You can do what David mentions also.

