christmas questions


Sean C

TVWBB Member
Hi, having 26 people for lunch! got a 8kg pork leg in the weber ketle, 2 lamb legs in a kettle! now my plans are to pre cook 30 potatoes in foil and 30 half sweet corn in foil! then re warm them in the wsm! how long would they take to re warm? do I need water? potatoes on bottom rack corn on top? as I dont want these to burn.
I sort of see blah blah blah.

It seems the question is - How long would potatoes and corn in foil take to re-warm using the WSM?

My questions are - At what temperature do you plan on re-heating? How warm/hot do you want them to be? It looks like the potatoes are pre-cooked, I hope the corns aren't. The purpose of water would be to help stabilize the temperature. It would also add moisture to the environment and you will not get crispy skin.

Think of the WSM as an oven. How long and at what temperature would you attempt to do the same thing in an oven?

Doing some google searches reveals that re-heating baked potatoes is not ideal and baked potatoes should be used for other things.
Agreed, though potatoes cooked in foil are not baked, they're steamed. (IMO not a desirable way to cook potatoes, especially b (Idaho) potatoes.) That said, if you're set on going this route then what Russell said: time in the WSM depends on temp. If you're foiling everything water is unnecessary as stable low temps aren't really desirable.
cheers guys! only reason I'm using the wsm, is that other members of the family are bringing the vegetables and poultry! and all 3 racks in the oven are all ready taken!

