Chopped beef tricks?

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Help! I catered our christmas party (my first catering job ever) at work today and just got an order for 3 racks of ribs, an 8lb chicken, 2.5lbs of pulled pork and 5lbs of chopped beef. I never thought people would actually like my smoking that much!

Now, on to the question. I've smoked many briskets, but I've never made chopped beef. I know that the point is the best for chopped beef, but if someone wants 5lbs of chopped beef, that's going to probably be like 2 points, isnt it? Or is the flat OK for chopped beef too?

Secondly, whats the easiest way to chop the beef? When my briskets are done, they're usually quite firm and chopping them seems like it would be a task. It doesn't 'fall apart' like pork butts, so how does one partake in the act of chopped beef making? And do I have to buy 2 wholesale untrimmed briskets to make 5lbs of chopped beef?

BTW What do y'all charge for meat? I'm charging
$6/lb for brisket & chopped beef
$10/rack of babyback ribs
$9/rack of spareribs
$4/lb chicken
$5/lb pulled pork

Is that too cheap?
I would use a Chuck Roll or roast to make chopped beef. I believe it will come out better. Take that puppy to 195 or so, let it rest and have at it with a sharp knive. Last two I did were 20 lbs apiece. Took a while to get there. The outside was also a little to dry for me. Next time I think I will foil after 10 hours and maybe mop it also.
What the heck is a "Chuck roll"? I've heard of a chuck roast, but not a chuck roll. So its kinda like a 'beef pork butt'? I have bear claws that I use to pull the pork butts. I spose that would work.
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