Chicken - Two racks or just one?


Brad Morrell

TVWBB Member
I have been really cooking alot of chicken thighs lately, and got to wondering:

Can you put two racks of chicken thighs in the same cooker?

I know that you don't want the chicken dripping on something else for cross contamination purposes - but what abotu chicken dripping on chicken?

I ended up cooking about 48 thighs the other night and used all three of my WSM's using single racks.

I was just wondering if that was overkill, and if I would have been okay to use both racks in a single cooker.

What do you think?
IMO, yes. I do not believe you can cross contaminate chickens. One obvious reason is that the contaminate is already in the chicken so if that were a problem, then why wouldn't cooking one chicken, alone, be the same problem. Some would probably debate whether chicken being cooked really contaminates another meat which is also being cook. The true contaminate is raw chicken juice being exposed to surfaces However, since discretion is the better part of valor, it is recommended that this be avoided. Thus, the only thing under a chicken should be the waterpan or, perhaps, another chicken. If you want some more scientific research, I've been cooking two grates of chicken, off and on, for 10+ years and I'm still around.

Yep, two's fine, imo. The only thing I caution against (not having anything to do with contamination) is not to pack your grates too tightly thus impeding airflow.

