Chicken cook result comparison

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Jamieson S

Well, first time I used my WSM I had 3 racks on baby backs on top rack and 2 butterflied chickens on the bottom, rubbed with a store bought rub (let rest overnight). That time I cooked them for 4 hours with the dome temp at around 250. Earlier this week I made 2 butterflied chickens, same rub (rubbed an hour or so before I put them on) and same brand chicken (bought whole from CostCo).
The first time they came out incredible. Basted with Sweet Baby Ray's sauce and threw them on the gasser for a few minutes to crisp the skin. The most recent cook I ran the dome temp around 300 trying to get better skin off the bat and reduce cooking time. Think they were on for about 3 hours this run, basted them with same sauce but didn't put on gasser. For soem reason they just didn't have it. Not the tender juicy fall apart chicken like the first run, seemed a bit tougher and didn't seem to have as much smoke penetration. Eevrything was the same except the fact no ribs above them and the higher temp. Think I used just about the same amount of smoke wood, etc.
I know many cook chickens at the higher temps and seem to recommend that. What does yours turn out like? Was it the ribs basting them that made the first ones so good or all in the temp? Want to start making BCITU instead of just average tasting stuff...
The pork drippings probably helped with flavor and the fat probably helped crisp up the skin. The higher temperature for 3 hours may have dried them out. I usually brine chicken, dry the outside thoroughly, season, then cook between 300-350? for 1- 1 1/2 hours. I look for an internal temperature of about 160? in the breast. About 170? in the thigh. Then let rest lightly convered with foil for about 15 minutes.

I'm going to start frying up a few chickens tomorrow. I've never had success but think I finally have a technique thay may be good.
I think the higher temps may be to blame, I have done chicken at 225-250 for upwards of 5 hours and they remained moist and tender with no injection. Low and slow...
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