Cheesecake on the Grill



TVWBB Member

I need some help. I need to make a cheesecake for a grilling contest the weekend after next. I'll have kettles and WSM's.

Has anyone done this before? Do you have any recipes, suggestions or thoughts?

Any help would be appreciated.


Eric Devlin
Wow. Not that it can't be done, but that sounds really tough.

I'd suggest either cleaning the lid and sides of your WSM very thoroughly or coming up with a topping that would hide flakes of carbon in a white cheesecake.

That's about all the help I can offer. You couldn't just bake a chocolate cake?
Judges love cheesecake.

I'll be practicing this week and next, I was just hoping that someone beat me to it and might have some tips.

Hopefully I'm back on time; I have not done one in my WSM but have done one on my big Steel Keg and several on the pellet grill.
Tips: charcoal only, no wood as the cheesecake will pick up smoke pretty easy and I don't think the judges will want much at all. Make sure you have a clean burning fire. Seal the bottom of the spring form pan with foil and place it it a shallow pan of water, that will help keep it from cracking. Even if you can keep temps pretty close to what the recipe calls for, it will take a little longer to cook.
Hope this helps

