

Clark Deutscher

TVWBB All-Star
Just wondering if anyone makes their own cheese? I had never really thought about it to much and then Steve's bubble gum post with the link to Leeners got me thinking.

So anyways is it worth the time effort and money or can you just buy much better stuff at the store?

Thanks for any input!

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Clark Deutscher:
By a lot of work do you mean not worth it..... </div></BLOCKQUOTE>
Pretty much so. You really have to watch temp and humidity when aging the cheese. Now if you just plan on making fresh cheese, it's not too bad, but still not really worth it. It's more trouble than what it's worth IMO.
Absolutely love bread and pizza, addicted to both. I picked up Maggie Glezers book (name escapes me right now but I'll get it) and also Peter Reinharts (Bread Bakers apprentice and American Pie) a year or two ago and have been baking non stop!

In fact I have baguettes and herb bread proofing for the oven right now!

I am heading to Italy and am going to check out some of the pizza places in American Pie in October. Super excited for that. Oh yeah and the 8,000 churhces and monuments that my wife will drag me to!

For the baguettes tonight I made this dipping sauce that turned out really well.

1 whole head of garlic pressed through garlic press
1 C Olive Oil
1 C Grape Seed Oil
1/2 C fresh lemon juice
1 T table salt

Was shockingly great with the crusty baguettes!

thinking I'm going to go for more right now!


