Check for propane deals this week!!!!!


Jim Weber

Be sure to scan your local hardware stores for deals ---- our local McLendons always has this special for Memorial Day/4th/Labor Day!
Best time to refill!!!! I've only got 1 of 3 tanks that needs filling, but its still worth it!

It was an even better deal today since they were also running a 'WE pay the sales tax' special ---- $10 flat for a FULL tank - can't complain when their price was $3.49/gal otherwise. Kinda bummed I only had one tank to fill - but 3 and 1/2 tanks going into the fall months should take me thru til July 4th.....
This was the first time that I actually saw them checking dates on the tanks --- last couple times the guys filling them didn't care one bit.
Most check in my area. But I have seen sometimes they act like they are looking and give a crap, but fill them even with expired dates. LOL.
I still have a few quick release bottles I have to use up. But then I'll exchange them. People at the exchange places don't check anything. Like at a grocery store or something.
WOW!!!! 7 tanks --- that should last you a good long time.... unless you start being 'silly' with the thought of "I've got PLENTY of propane to.....'
So you were 'THAT guy' down there.... when I was there yesterday there was a guy with 8 30# tanks getting filled - he wasn't getting the deal, but just picked the wrong day to get them all filled - he was kind enough to say 'go ahead and get your ONE tank filled'.

I thought about bringing my 10# tank down to get it filled that I bought 20+ years ago but didn't..... I can't bring myself to pay $7-10 for a 1# coleman bottle for the Performa gas assist when I can get a gallon (4.2#) for $3-4 and the 10# would be perfect for for that - I don't even need to be full. I've just been using 'almost empty' 20# tanks for now --- but that seems kinda ghetto.... but works fine.
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Getting 7 tanks filled at that price is such a steal..... the next cheapest place I've found is the TruValue up in Clearview that is charging $2.99/gal --- but you have to fill 2 or more tanks to gain any savings for the gas costs to go there....

Just remember that McLendons has been doing this on the big three summer holidays for a while now....
Getting 7 tanks filled at that price is such a steal..... the next cheapest place I've found is the TruValue up in Clearview that is charging $2.99/gal --- but you have to fill 2 or more tanks to gain any savings for the gas costs to go there....

Just remember that McLendons has been doing this on the big three summer holidays for a while now....
I should be good for a while I think I have 13 full tanks now
When I fix up grills to donate I always give a full tank with it.

Families in need that can't afford to buy a Grill obviously can't afford to go out and buy tanks of propane either so it's nice to be able to give them one to start with.

