Cheapest place to buy Kingsford?


Bryan B


I'm a fairly new WSM owner and have recently converted from lump charcoal to Kingsford blue, due to the super long smoke times it enables via the minion method. Where would you all say the cheapest place to buy K Blue is? I saw a thread somewhere about a home depot sale, but I cannot seem to find it now. Do you save much at discount stores like Sam's? Walmart in my area does not seem to have competitive prices. Lowe's hardware store seems to be the best and it charges $8.50 per 16lb bag. Which is a little steep when I use about a whole bag if I'm smoking for a whole day.
Here in Central Wis, Sam's is usually the cheapest. But with an hour drive to get there that cuts into the savings. I stock up before the major summer holidays wherever it is advertised the cheapest.

How much is it at Sam's? Please state product size (lbs), and price, if possible. I'm guessing it will be the same price at my Sam's as yours.
I pay $16.00 more or less at Sam's for 2 - 24 lb bags of kingsford blue. I've gone through 10 of those 2 packs in the last 3 months.
I have seen 2x20lb packs of Kingsford Blue at HD and Menards for $15 and $16 other wise it is watch for the sales around here.

Wait until memorial day weekend and stock up, you can get it for .28 cents a lb or less. Buy only what you are going to use for the time being and then load up. I usually stock up on 150 lb worth of K. HD ran a special sale last year in November. I got 140 lb for 25 bucks, that was .17 a lb. I still have 63 lb to go but I will stock up come memorial day.
I got a flyer in the paper for our locas Weis Market. It says 2 - 27.8 lb bags for $12.99. The size of bag seems odd. I need to check it out tonight. I was there last night and didn't see any.
Yesterday at Sam's club I bought two 23 pound bags of K-Blue for $16.68. That's 0.36 pound and not such a good deal.


