Charred Ribs

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Keith Wittman

New member
I cooked some BB's using the BRITU recipe. I kept the temp right around 225 for 3 hours. When I went to flip after 3 hours, they looked more charred than I expected. They were already getting a black color. Then, I left them another hour at 260 and took them off. I think they were actually a little undercooked, not very tender. But, I didn't want them to blacken anymore. Any ideas what I did wrong?
The black color you see is usually the sugar in the run carmelizing or burning. Most rubs that contain a sugar will turn very dark. Don't worry about the color, worry about properly cooking the meat. Boosting the temps to 260 will actually darken the meat more than leaving it at 225.

As for tenderness - 4 hours for BB's is probably a little too soon. I'd go at least 4 1/2 and have cooked them towards 5 1/2 hours with great results. Truth be told - they're done when they're done. You'll learn how to better judge doneness with experience.

Had this exact problem my first couple of rib cooks until someone suggested letting the wood burn down for about 20 minutes before putting on the meat. Haven't had charred looking ribs since.
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