Charcoal report


paul kelly

New member
This is probably more relevant to UK based people, But the fuel I've been using since getting my WSM a year ago is "Weber Heat Beads".

Compared to some alternatives the price looks scary but in practice it's very ecomomical.

Saturday's Brisket somke for instance: Lit up one chimney of fuel at 0700, into the charcaol ring at 0720ish, filled the ring with more bricquettes, and put the meat in at 0745.

Temperature stablised at around 230 within 30 mins and with only minor adjustment of vents every hour stayed there untill 1730 when I took the Brisket off, foiled and into the oven.

I closed all the vents and let the fire die. When cool, a good 50% of the fuel is unburnt and reusable next time.

The brisket was for a friend's Silver Wedding party and got RAVE reviews. I've no idea how it compares to the BBQ you guys produce, but I've got to say it is pretty damn good!

Sounds like the brisket cook went well and as long as the folks eating it are happy then all is good!!

I've never heard of the Weber Heat Beads. Are they only available in the UK? What other charcoal choices do you have over there?
They are an Australian product

Rebranded in the UK by Weber & attracting the usual Weber premium price, but as I say, performnace does actually justify the price!

There's a wide range of different bricquettes and lumpwood, but equally wide range of quality.
I spent my childhood in the UK and go back to see relatives every few years. My uncle introduced me to this product and it works great. Holds heat much longer than Kingsford but I couldn't get it hot enough for my liking. I think a few handfulls of lump on top would have done the trick. Wish they would distribute here.

