Charcoal questions

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Is one charcoal chimney full of charcoal enough to start smoking your meat with or do you use 2 chimney's full?

Do you have to add another chimney of charcoal midway through smoking or does what you started with last for the whole session?

I'm sure it varies with what type of meat you are smoking, but I am assuming here that I would be usually smoking a full load or at least larger pieces of meat like pork butt and/or brisket.

Might just do ribs or chicken once in a while though.

Thanks everybody for your help.
Morning Rocky!

The only method I have used with my WSM is the Minion is described in detail at this link....

Here is why that method works so great.....

In trying to control the temps in the WSM it is very important for you to control the temp from the bottom up.....that means, let the temp creep up and start to regulate it before it goes over 225? or whatever you are cooking at. Once it overshoots your target temp, it can be very hard to get it down again.

With Jim's method, you only light a dozen or so briqs and you will need no more....for the entire cook. This summer I have gotten 12-16 hour burns on just a dozen lit briqs dumped on top of a ring full of unlit briqs.

Now, I do modify this method in cold weather and also when I fill the WSM to will need a few more lit briqs to get the fire going.

Hope this is what you are looking for!


[This message has been edited by Kevin Taylor (edited 09-10-2001).]
Rocky, take the time to read through the Firing Up section that Stogie linked above. Print it out and keep it with your gear, until you know it by heart. It will answer all your questions and help your cook run smoother.

Even if you're doing brisket (16 hours + or -) you shouldn't have to add more charcoal to the WSM.

I agree with the other folks here. The first time I used my WSM, I did not use the Minion method. It took over an hour to get the temperature down. Since then, I have used the Minion method, and it works like a charm.

Good luck. Enjoy your WSMs!

Thanks for the tips. A friend of mine said that using those Firestarter sticks work really good too. I guess it kind of works like the minion method. He orders them out of the "Bullsheet". Says you just shove one of the sticks down into your fire ring of unlit coals and light the stick. Has anybody else ever tried these Firestarter sticks? This guy says they work great.
Firesticks work, you would need to space them around in say 3 spots (break them into pieces).
The reason I use charcoal is that is does the same job and need the charcoal anyway.
It will take you longer to get the cooker up to cook'n temps.
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