Charcoal question for OTG



New member
I'd like some opinions on how much/type of coal you use when grilling burgers, chicken, you know standard fair. I know there is no science but just curious.

I use a chimney full, light it do your cook then shut the grill down and save the left over charcoal for the next fire. I do a complete burn-off every 4 or 5 cooks
For standard grilling regular briquettes work just fine, but I like lump for high heat things like steak because it burns hotter.
I do a chimney full.
Use charcoal baskets to keep them in place. Close the vents after use. Then re use what ever charcoal is there if any..
It kind of depends on the cook I'm doing.

If I'm doing a steak & baked potato type deal then I'll do about a half chimney of lump to get the potato going and maybe add a little more unlit about halfway through to bump the energy level up a little before putting the steak on.

If it's a chicken then I'll go almost full chimney as I like to do chicken hot and fast.

If it's veggies/fruit/ABTs/Moinks/etc. then I'll go about a quarter to a third of a chimney

If it's beef jerkey then I'll go 2 or 3 briqs to get the smoke wood to smolder (I really don't need or want the heat very much).


