


TVWBB Super Fan
I'm getting my Performer this weekend. I've never used those char-baskets. for grilling burgers, chicken cutlets, steaks -- do you all recommend to use the baskets to create a concentrated hot zone for searing, or do you forego the baskets and just put the coals on one side of the grate?
I cooked for my first time on my performer yesterday and I DID use the char baskets. I positioned them in the centre of the grill for cooking burgers direct. The worked well except for when I put the cheese on indirect and it ran all over the side of the grill (see my other thread).

My only other comment in regards to the baskets was that the grill didn't cool as quickly as I had hoped. I think this is due to the fact that the coals are nestled closely together and retain their heat.
Congrats on your soon-to-be new cooking addition! Unless you need a larger hot zone than that provided by the baskets, I'd plan on using the baskets for searing. Butted up against each other, they tend to concentrate the heat a bit better than a pile of coal if you need to. Plus, they are relatively easy to move around, giving you the additional option of moving the heat source or the food when you want indirect cooking.
I use the baskets as well. I tried it without them but liked it better with them. You can push them together in the middle for a sear zone, or push one to each side and put a small aluminum pan in the middle for indirect, as already stated. If you ever get the sear grate it works good like this

Just remember when you light the baskets to turn them a few times to get all the coals lit before turning off the ignitor
I use the baskets (well, basket) every time. I find that a single basket pushed all the way to one side gives me a perfect cook. I go indirect to cook the meat to almost done, then a quick sear directly over the coals to finish it off. I get a good char on the outside and very tender, juicy meat every time. Doesn't matter what I'm cooking anymore, it all gets done that way.

Lid on the whole time, obviously.
If you spring for the Perf. Platinum, the baskets make it much easier to use the gas-assist system.
They also help protect the inside finish from the high heat of the charcoal.
Another basket user.
Usually they're outboard and under the flip ups.
A 9 x 12 aluminum pan fits neatly in the center to pick up drippings.
Char-basket is a must buy for everyone using Weber kettle! Just smoked some spare ribs today and offcourse with the baskets.
I've always use the baskets. I also keep one on one side, and one on the other.

If I'm grilling where I'm going to use direct heat (burgers, steaks, chicken breasts)
I keep my grill grates with the wings opening up (normal way) I can move the food over the hot coals and back out to the cool zone.

When I'm baking (beer can chickens, ribs, cakes, beans) Anything not direct and longer cooks,
I start the coals (I always use my chimney) fill both baskets, and put the grates on upside down.
I have GOOD welders gloves, so when I'm putting the grate on I hold the wings in and put the grate in place.
When I let the grate go the wings fold out (straight down) and make a nice shoot for wood chips and charcoal.

I use my WSM if I'm staying under 300, I use my Performer if I'm over 300, and now I use my Smoke Joe if I'm just doing burgers.
Not sure if this helps or not, it's just the way that works best for me.

Just remember to not try and over think it. It's all fun. Try it, if you don't like it try something else.

