Changing Settings Remotely (Warning this might get very technical quick)



New member
Hi all,

I'm after hints, tips or just pure help on how to change settings of the Heater Meter remotely using a script -not the website (ideally javascript). I've had good results with getting data off the HM but cannot for the life of me parse any settings to it.

I tired the suggested way in from the HM Wiki ( with a POST request but no matter what I try I keep getting a 403 Denied response. I don't want to reduce the HM security even further just to make it work, so kinda stuck at the moment.

Surely the standard setup should allow some kind of remote control settings without having to go through a login page? Has anything changed recently on the security front because it seems the PitDroid app (I use on my Android) also fails to authenticate.

Thanks for any help in advance.

Yep, things have changed with the new version of Openwrt & Luci. We'll need to wait till Bryan has a chance to deal with it.

See here for more info.
Yep, things have changed with the new version of Openwrt & Luci. We'll need to wait till Bryan has a chance to deal with it.

See here for more info.

Ah! Thanks for the heads up and the quick reply Steve. Saved me of another late night full of frustration! It seems it's time to start thinking about OAuth in the HM. Might bit a bit of an overkill but would make integration to the outside world so much easier!

