Cast Iron Grate

Well, I'm sure you will hear a lot from many people, this is a much discussed topic here. :)

I don't have a Performer, so I can't say specifically for it - I have a Smokey Joe, Weber 22.5 OTG, Weber Go Anywhere. All of them have Craycort Cast Iron grates. They are worth any extra care and I'll never go back. I swear by mine.

So - there's my two cents!

Enjoy, whatever you choose -

And in terms of pros cons - they do need a little extra care. I let one set of grates rust in the flurry of moving to a new place and leaving them out with a cover but I was able to rehabilitate them. They are heavier than normal grates. They are worth any extra work needed but honestly, it usually just means wielding them if you want to put the chimney in, and then oiling and brushing and lightly oiling when you are done. Bam.

First, welcome aboard!

I like the "Weber 7420 Gourmet BBQ System Sear Grate Set" on my Performer.
Cast iron grate section, if I want to use it, or regular grate.
It's very heavy duty, and removing the center section allows the Weber chimney to sit over the burners for lighting coals.
Or easy access to the baskets.
I seldom remove the whole shebang.
$70 at Amazon via the link at the top of this page.

I use the Stok cast iron grate on my Performer. I would prefer the Weber gourmet BBQ system, but I got the Stok at wholesale through the place where I work.
I use the cast iron grate for everything but the long cooks where I know I will have to add charcoal. It is great for direct cooking, but since it doesn't have the lift up side grates, I use the original wire grates for the long cooks.
I recently picked up a cast iron grate set on clearance for my Jumbo Joe, but have yet to use it.
I have the Weber Gourmet grill and some of the accessories. I love it and found a way to continue to use it with my 26. It's sturdy and versatile.
I have the weber gourmet system as well. I only have the cast iron grate middle and the regular grate middle like in Bobs picture. I leave the ci grate in 99% of the time. I love it and it seems to do well even when I don't care for it properly like a good ci pan should be. Never had it rust on me
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I have a Craycort for both my Performer and 26" grill.
Pros, Great grill marks if your into that kind of thing. Outstanding heat retention, heavy duty.
Cons, they are heavy. This is a pro too though. If your fire gets too hot the seasoning will burn off and the grates will rust within hours if you don't reseason. Bulky, can be a pain to try and use the gas assist sometimes

Extra care is minimal in my opinion but I live in a dry climate so I don't have rusting issues very often. IMO the Craycort grate is the way to go!!!
Think about a set of GrillGrates as well, no rust issues, not heavy to move, great grill marks on the food.
I have the craycorts. I love them. Good heat retention and it makes my OTS more stable due to the weight. After cooking while the coals are still hot. I clean them with a wire brush and spray some pam on them to keep them from rusting and keep them seasoned
I've got the Char Broil Kettle Grill Grate (22" with 18" insert). I use it on my Performer, my Jumbo Joe, and as a sear grate on the Genesis. The iron is thin but it heats up quick and does a great sear. It's not ceramic coated, so I keep it indoors so it doesn't rust. Best $30 I ever spent.

