Carolina Red shelf life?


Mark D

TVWBB Member
Just found a batch of Carolina Red (Chris's recipe from the Reknowned Mr. Brown page) while cleaning the fridge out at the in-laws summer place. It's been stored since the 4th of July weekend in one of those conical topped plastic bottles like you sometimes see ketchup or mustard in. I just tasted a little bit and it seems fine; the red pepper certainly hasn't lost anything.

Any reason why I should toss it instead of using it when I do my first annual Thanksgiving weekend butt cook next weekend?

Was it airtight?

Presumably it was in the dark, and a fairly sealed environment, I wouldn't hesitate to use it, it may not have the full force it should have, but a slightly less spicey mix is not going to hurt you.
Not airtight, it was in what I believe is called a Yorker spout bottle with no cap, so there's a small, 1/8" maybe, hole at the top
You might just grab a pork chop, season it up with the rub, throw it on the grill and taste test it.
There is probably nothing wrong with it.

However "when in doubt, throw it out" comes to mind.

A cup of vinegar costs less than 30 cents, the spices may have cost 20 see where I'm going?
The Ph of the sauce would be low enough to prevent pathogenic bacterial issues. It should be fine.
Thanks everyone.

Harvey, yeah, I know it's pennies; it's just mainly an "I wonder if..." thing, and me hating to throw something out I don't need to. Tasted fine, but then again, the vinegar would probably mask any bad odors.

Kevin, you confirmed what I was thinking, nothing much is going to live in vinegar.

The deciding factor will probably be what my wife says when I tell her I'm going to reuse it. If she makes a face, I'll make a new batch

