canning bbq sauces

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f.j. tedford

Can someone point me to a resource on canning for bbq sauces? When I make up a large batch I'd like to be able to keep the extra in sealed mason jars in the cabinet. I've got all the info on sterilization of the utensils. What I need to make sure of is the temperature and time on heating the sauce prior to filling the jars.
This is from NC STate University, so you probably have a university near you that does the same. I don't know if it varies any from state to state, but you might waht to check to be sure. Maybe this link will help answer questions, or piont you down the right path.

Food Safety
Thanks for the link.

I agree with Raine. Contact someone like your local Home Cooperative Extension. They can provide you with specific information for your locality. Sounds like it will be fairly simple, if you are incorporating some type of tomato sauce base. Sounds like a fun idea, making and canning your own bbq sauce.


Thanks for the link. Several others I checked did not deal with sauces. Finally found one at Clemson that gives a "Country Western Ketchup" recipe with process times. I don't think canning will change the taste much on the sauce recipes I mess around with since almost all involve boiling to prepare anyway
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