Camping This Weekend -- 1 Smoke, 5 racks of ribs, 1 Brisket -- Will It Fit?


Karl K.

The message title pretty much says it all. I'm going camping with a bunch of folks from my brew club and they're looking to me to provide Saturday night's dinner.

I've got 9 folks eating and have 4 racks of ribs (thinking about buying a 5th one) and a 11 lb packer brisket. I'd also like to smoke some sweet potatoes since those came out so well last time. Obviously there'll be plenty for us 9 but wanted first to make sure I could fit it all onto the WSM.

I did purchase 2 rib racks if that makes any difference. Lastly, I'm thinking about putting the brisket on the bottom and the ribs on top (3:2:1 cook). I'll foil the brisket around 165F and let it cook for another 2 hours or so if that sounds about right.

Any insight is appreciated.
I think you're good on the meat front if you're talking spares. But if you're talking spares you'll want a rib rack and might need to trim the ends down so they're not crammed up against the side. Rolled, three racks is all I can fit on a grate.

Sweet potatoes is an excellent idea. Pineapple is refreshing, works well with both your meats, and works well with sweet potatoes. You might consider a pineapple salad as a side. Cornbread could be heated a bit in your cooker before you eat (or made on it if you want to go that route). Fresh green beans (that could be blanched at home and Ziploc'd) would be a nice veg.

This might be more than you asked for but I'm hungry and thinking food at the moment. Have a great time.
If you happen to be taking a grill with yas also. Pick up some mushrooms, a good maple flvored bacon, and some toothpicks. Clip the mushrooms stem flush with the bell. Wrap in bacon, insert a toothpick to hold in place. Sprinkle a little BRITU or your favorite Rub and then grill them till bacon is done and serve. They will be gone fast so make plenty.
You'll be just fine... Just put you ribs in the rack (1 will hold them all). If you need to, stack them around the rack. There was a picture of this on another thread a while back. You can fit seven on each rack in the WSM, I believe.
Well, the weekend camping trip was a lot of fun and everyone SEEMED to enjoy the ribs and brisket, but to be honest with you, I was a little peeved that I only rec'd 2 "thanks, that was really good" out of 10 folks that ate. Everyone else just munched away and I wound up having to clean everything up as well. It wasn't like I was charging anyone other than the cost of meat and charcoal. Needless to say the next time I'll offer to only those who are close friends and family or charge the going rate for a catering gig! Surprisingly my brother had the same reaction at his Church picnic -- he cooked some pulled pork and didnt' receive one thank you or acknowledgement from any of the members.
Good that you had fun camping and I would feel the same way. Cash is nice but I really appreciate verbal acknowledgement and thanks.

I think you probably had a great batch of grub but a not so great group of guests (at least where gratitude is concerned). Look at it this way, they ate all the food and probably licked the plates clean too! You did good.

Hey, maybe their virtual silence was because of their not wanting to admit how great it really was! There is such thing as envy you know!

Keep on smokin' bro!

As I try and look at the glass half full vs. half empty and reviewing my brothers experience, I can only guess that those fed were so busy enjoying their food that they neglected to reflect on the amount of time and energy extended to provide them with it. Thankfully there are some who take the time to show appreciation for what others have done for them.

K Kruger -- you're absolutely right. A simple thank you would have gone a long way for me...

Well, live and learn I guess.
Originally posted by Karl K.:
As I try and look at the glass half full vs. half empty and reviewing my brothers experience, I can only guess that those fed were so busy enjoying their food that they neglected to reflect on the amount of time and energy extended to provide them with it. Thankfully there are some who take the time to show appreciation for what others have done for them.

K Kruger -- you're absolutely right. A simple thank you would have gone a long way for me...

Well, live and learn I guess.

I know I'm going to sound a bit harsh here...and I don't mean it that way. (disclaimer)

I've never judged any food I've cooked by the 'thank you's' thrown around. I've always cooked because I've wanted to.

On that note, trust me...they'll ask you to cook again. You have to admit that on a camping trip with buddies, it's mostly about drinking....somewhat about talking and about a tenth of your mind goes to what gets a belly full.

Thank's is a wonderful thing...I just never expect it. I kind of do it for me.
B -- You're probably right. Drinking does have an impact and I know they all enjoyed it since there was none left. Part of the flat got a little dry on the brisket, but other than that I thought it turned out well. I guess I was mainly upset at the fact that I had to clean up by myself (grates, probes, cutting board, etc) and no one offered to assist. When I asked for help, I got two folks that helped throw a couple items away and wrapped up the temp probes and then sat down. I got no assistance in loading the WSM and accessories back into my car. I guess I felt that if I'm going to be treated like a vendor, I'm going to have to charge like one.

What's particularly surprising is my brother experienced something similiar at his church picnic!
Karl, I hear ya (and I think most do). But, I got to agree with B Foster. Ya know, when folks are camping, those burgers and sodas are the best tasting things when your hungery. They probably didn't think twice about how much added trouble and expense you went thru to BBQ.

But, I'm sure they enjoyed it more than you know. You'll probably hear comments in the future like, "Remember when Karl fixed that Q last year .. that was the best!" They'll remember that as they'e chowing down on that cheap hot dog.

