Cajun Bandit vs. WSM Door


E Mann

I know the WSM doors are a little flimsy and people state that the Cajun Bandit's door is much more solid. For those of you that have purchased the Cajun Bandit door, please give me your feedback. Is it worth it? does it make a difference? Thanks.
Eric, i have the CB door.
I like the clean look of it.
The original Weber door worked fine by me.
I do not believe the CB door works better than the original "flimsy" Weber door.

Again, I just bought the CB door for it's clean/slick look.
I also own a CB SS door.
It's not that my OEM door fit poorly or didn't do its job. I much like our MVP Jim wanted one for the nice look/finish and if it fit better then thats a bonus!

Here's some pic's for inspiration

I agree that the CB door looks a whole lot better. I didn't know if there were any cooking benefits to the CB door than the WSM. thanks for posting.
Well Eric, some believe the original Weber door leaks too much smoke. However, I believe the WSM was not intended to be airtight. Smoke will leave the smoker in places some folks think it should not. And the original Weber door is one of those places.
The OEM door can be adjusted to be air tight, the upgraded bandit just looks better and the bandit door is much more durable if dropped or just plain ole hard use, it will retain its form.

I have them for my 18 & 22 and I had to adjust/massage them to fit as I did the OEM ones as well.
Am I correct that the Cajun Bandit door is stainless steel. If so, I would expect that it would stay hotter longer that the stock aluminum door, no?

I guess no one wants to grab either one right after opening, but the stock door doesn't stay hot long while I would expect the CB door to be untouchable for the duration.

Just asking, I'm going to stay with the stock door -- fits well, works well and I like the tabs that keep it hanging in the opening. (OBTW, can the CB door be used upside down for draft control like some do?)

Thanks for satisfying my curiosity (and maybe helping someone else decide which way to go).

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">(OBTW, can the CB door be used upside down for draft control like some do?) </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yes on the 18 or the pre 2010 22.5 (because of the rounded corners on the top of the opening).

