Cajun Bandit Replacement Door - It's Great


Larry Powers

TVWBB Member
I purchased my WSM 22.5 a year ago and have enjoyed using it. My biggest headache has been leaks around the door. I spent quite a bit of time trying to reshape the door with little success. I finally settle on a tin foil gasket, it was simple to make, worked well and looked pretty bad. It was also a hassle if you had to open the door during a cook.

A couple of months ago I bought the replacement door from Cajun Bandit and finally got a chance to use it this past weekend. It fit well and during my cook I could see no smoke leaking from around the door. Maintaining a 225 to 250 temp has been doable but challenging with the old door. I think this will improve my ability to hold the lower temps.

If you are not happy with your current door I strongly recomend this one.
Thanks, LAP. As a new owner who fiddled a lot with the stock door before my first (and only
) smoke, I was interested in this. I actually did get the stock door pretty tightly sealed -- at least I didn't see any leakage there while there WAS some small leakage around the bottom and a little more around the top body fit. Rich
So it soundsl like I'm the only guy who got a bad one LOL, hope the one I bought for my father in law for fathers day works better than mine. Ken
I'll let you know in about three days how I like mine.

Can you tune these like you can the stock door? I was able to bend and shape the stock door to a pretty good fit.
I got one too and the first time I used it I noticed my temps were much steadier. It is thicker metal but with some precision-tuned elbow grease it can be shaped for a tighter fit. One word of caution before you do that though - REMOVE THE HANDLE FIRST!!! I was bending mine with the handle attached and wound up breaking it (the handle that is) the night before my biggest smoke. Luckily I was able to use some JB Weld to fix the damage. I found a guy on ebay who sells the door assembly at a nice price so I'll be hitting him up before my next smoke.
My door came in and I'm trying to decide if I should move the old round handle or buy another.

Will the new style Weber latch on the 2010 models fit this door, I got the 2009 style door for the 18.5 inch.
Just an update. Since I replaced the door, and I moved to a clay saucer, I have had zero problems maintaining temps.

I have a bit of an out of round situation on my middle section,but with the two changes mentioned above it's smooth sailing.

