Butts Over Brisket and Jets and Jags



TVWBB Super Fan
I am going to try my first Brisket overnight cook. I have cooked plenty of butts but no brisket and not overnight.

I think the over night cook might be easier because it is a little cooler than the day. Living in Florida I have no trouble getting the smoker up to 300 degrees when it is sitting in the sun.

I will probably but them on at 10pm and cook until done then foil and put in a cooler and take them the game around 12 or 1 kick off isn't till 4.15.

From what I read you can foil the brisket at about 165 then cook to 190 or until tender.

165-170 and foil until fork tender. I start checking around 185.
Should be a great day....if your a Jets fan lol. (no, I'm not

