Butt Temperature Question


c bain

Hi All.
I put a boneless butt on tonight (about 7.5 pounds after trimming) at 7:45pm. Starting temp of the meat was 50 degrees and the lid temp was 248. After two hours, the lid temp was fallen to 225, and the meat temperature was up to 131 degrees. This seems to be going WAY too fast to me.

Any ideas?
I wouldn't worry. The cold meat will bring the WSM temp down. As the meat heats up the cooker temp will also rise. The meat temp will start to stall somewhere after 155 degrees and the cooker temp should be about normal cooking temp.

The internal fat & cologen will start to break down and cool the meat internally. It may stay between 160 to 170 degrees for hours. If you're a themometer watcher you may notice the internal butt temp rise and fall during this time.

When I first started smoking butts the stall worried me. Now I just accept it as normal cooking magic
. You may speed the process by wrapping the butt in foil if you want.
I was most concerned about the rate the temperature is rising, but I'm just going to ride it out and see what happens. I've got nobody coming over tomorrow, and I'm just making this for fun on my relatively new WSM.

We'll see what happens, and I'll post here the results.

Thanks for the reply.

