Butt Question


Matt Eppert

New member
I am cooking 4 butts for tomorrow evening. I have had them rubbed for 24 hrs and plan on starting them about 2:30am. Should I try and fit all 4 on the top rack? If they do not fit should I place the larger ones on the bottom? I am fairly new to all of this and appreciate your suggestions and pointers! I plan on cooking between 225-250 with full water pan.
I would go with two on each rack and rotate them top to bottom if you are overly concerned with the temperature difference.

Are you planning to cook them open for the entire session or foil them along the way?
I have only cooked them open and have never foiled. I am always looking for suggestions. How often do I rotate them? at the 6-7 hour mark?
Well, Matt, if you're going to foil, you would do so when the internal temperature of the butts is at about 165°F and then cook them until they reach your desired level of doneness. Once that has been reached, you would rest them for as long as necessary before you need to pull them apart. If you rest them in a dry cooler or Cambro-type device, you can hold them for many hours without worrying about the meat temperature dropping into the danger zone below 140°F.

If you are not going to foil during the cook, you should plan to wrap them up for the rest period.

Regarding rotation, I think you are going to find that the lower grate will run a bit cooler since you are planning to run with a full water pan. The lower grate would likely run hotter if you had an empty, sand filled or clay saucer filled pan. If you plan to foil, rotate them about 3 hours or so into the cook as I'm guessing it will take about 6-7 hours to hit 165°F at your listed cooking temperature. If you are not planning to foil, I don't know that I would actually bother with rotating them. They'll be done when they're done!
Vincent, Thank you very much for the responses. I am sure I will have more questions before the end of my cook. I am using 3 fist size chunks of apple and 2 chunks of oak for the smoke wood.
The lower grate will run a bit cooler than the top, so I'd put the smaller ones on the lower grate. I did some quick-and-dirty research on a cook a couple weeks ago and found the top grate running 15 degrees warmer. Not a huge difference, but over 12+ hours it'll add up.

