BUTT Problems


Jay Lopa

Hi everyone

On sunday I smoked two small BUTTS 4.5,lbs usally I would put both on the top rack. I usually only need that one rack. But I wanted to try out the bottom rack also, never have used it.Started early in the morning like allways temp was great,bark looked great, things were going just as they normally do.Pulled both butts off for supper. Top one at 190 bottom one at 170 what went wrong should I have rotated them ??? I had them on for 9 hours.

They both were good eats, The top one pulled great, bottom one had to be chopped up a little can someone HELP ME.

I have a big amount of BUTT to smoke later this month and will have to use both racks

Thanks JAY
There are 2 rules for barbecue:
1. It's done when it's done.
2. If in doubt, refer to rule #1.

I had to learn that the hard way.

Always cook to doneness, never to time.

I'd say you just had a butt that needed to cook a little longer.
You could have rotated them or just left the lower one on to cook longer. Or just used the bottom one for slicing--great sandwiches.
There may have been a difference in cooking temperature between the two racks. Its been my experience that the difference however tends to become almost nonexistent after about 4 or 5 hours of cooking. I don't rotate, but I do sometimes have one finish earlier than another.
I agree with the guys. BBQ is done when it's done. Did 3 big butts and one smaller one this weekend. The smaller one finished in 19 hours. The bigger ones took 21. I did a cook without water. The biggest ones were on the bottom rack and the small one was on the top.
Jay, No GURU. Just a the Weber water pan covered with heavy duty foil. Using the smaller pan allows room for more charcoal or lump.
I thought you must use water and or sand to keep the temp down.Are you just using your vents to do that ?? This is very interesting please let me know how do you that.

Jay, If you watch your temps on the way up and cut back the vent openings you can run without water. I've done two cooks like this so far with no major problems other than I had to put more charcoal in during an overnighter. I covered the Weber water pan with aluminum foil to catch the drippings.This allows you to start cooking faster and conserve fuel since you're getting to temps faster and not having to heat all that water

