burnt ends from the flat?



TVWBB Member
Hey all, I have a small brisket flat and I was wondering if I could cook it up into burnt ends tomorrow when I cook some ribs? I have always made them from the point, but im craving the burnt ends and was wondering if anyone has ever used just the flat???

Same here, Monty. I guess you could use a flat instead of a point, but I think I would cut it up and put it into a pan on your smoker so it won't dry out as easily.
By the time the cut up pieces from the flat gets to the burnt end stage they tend to fall apart. Use a point if you want true BEs. But I admit that I do not have a problem with chopped brisket. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.
Late to the party but I have done this before. Cook to 170 then cube up before panning so they wont be as dry.

