Burger Night with Home Made Onion Rings

I finally tried this & I discovered another talent - I can eat these about half as fast as they fry!

I halved the recipe (don't), I used cayenne instead of paprika, and didn't really measure much of anything. I was really happy with the results.



I wonder what the best way to handle the used oil - filter & then the fridge? what do you use to filter it?
Clint if you want to strain the oil use a unbleached coffee filter.
Great looking ring's & burger's Barb.
Barb - have you posted this in the recipes section yet???? All of my attempts at breading & battering have been major disappointments compared to this.

They reheat well from frozen too, in case anyone is wondering

I have some family that doesn't drink alcohol but they asked about your onion rings - have you tried using soda or something else other than beer? I don't think I've tried a non-alcoholic beverage....I love the taste a pale ale adds to them......
I have some family that doesn't drink alcohol but they asked about your onion rings - have you tried using soda or something else other than beer? I don't think I've tried a non-alcoholic beverage....I love the taste a pale ale adds to them......

Clint, we sent you a PM .Barb.

