Bryan S need some lump advice


Jim Gilheany

TVWBB Member
Hello I am trying my first brisket on the WSM in the morning. I just wanted some pointers because I know you like lump. I plan on starting about 10 pieces of Kingsford and using the Minion Method. What I need help with is when to cut back the airflow and how much to leave the vents open. I am shooting for a 220 to 235 degree cook. I directed this question to Bryan S because we know each other from another site but I am willing to take advice from all. I will be using BGE lump and Pecan chunks.
I am getting up early because I want to install my Guru Eyelets and play with my New Nu Temp 701.

I using the same rub as I did on my stick burner. Just want some temp control advice.
Jim, The way Bryan and I, (and some others) may be different than the way others will start up their lump. We both use Hump Lump, but where we may differ from you is we both use the Guru also.
If I am not going to use the Guru with Lump, I spread the kingsford around even over the lump, and then shut the vents down when it hits 200 with the target of 230-240.
If you do have a Guru, then I set the target temp to 210, and when it gets there, I shut the damper on the Guru to 1/2-1/3 open, depending on how cold it is, then make 10-15 degree jump ups 'til I hit 230-240.
I don't have a clue how Bryan does it lol. You would think me and him would get together more, we only live about 8 miles away lol.
I learned alot about temp control today and was able to finish the briket when I wanted it done at 6pm. The brisket hit 205 after foiling and is resting in a small cooler before slicing. It smelled great when I removed the temp probe.
The Nu Temp 701 and 751 probes performed perfectly. I hope to post pics around 8pm.
Thanks Bob for your input on target temps. I was able to get it there with a couple of temp spikes.
Looks pretty good to me! I tell people to start out with 3 fist size chunks of pecan to start, and adjust from there next cook.
I've never taken a brisket to the 200's. I pull mine sooner but yours looks great.

