Brussels Sprouts


E Mann

So I've been watching Lampe, Larry, Wolgast and a number of others cook up some brussels sprouts and I just have to try them. Can you give me some ideas on how to cook them?

The last time I had brussels sprouts, my parents made us eat them and my sister got sick all over the dinner table. Needless to say, I haven't had them since but they look so good. I just hope that I don't have the same experience that my sister did!
Eric, your mother probably made them the same way my mom did: boil them until they were mush!
I hated Brussels when I was young. butt the times AND THE COOKS have changed
try these:

<span class="ev_code_BLUE">1T EVOO</span>
<span class="ev_code_BLUE">1t fresh chopped thyme</span>
<span class="ev_code_BLUE">1/4 t ksalt</span>
<span class="ev_code_BLUE">1/4 t fresh ground pepper</span>
<span class="ev_code_BLUE">lemon zest</span>
<span class="ev_code_BLUE">1t champagne or white wine vinegar</span>
<span class="ev_code_BLUE">mix all of the above.</span>
<span class="ev_code_BLUE">trim 1 pound brussels at the end then cut in half lengthwise.</span>
<span class="ev_code_BLUE">to help cook sprouts faster/evenly, cut a slash in the base of the root of each Brussel.</span>
<span class="ev_code_BLUE">add the Brussels to your marinade and toss to coat.</span>
<span class="ev_code_BLUE">using a grill pan, spread out the sprouts in a single layer and grill over low direct heat until crisp.</span>
<span class="ev_code_BLUE">(or if you prefer)</span>
<span class="ev_code_BLUE">in a Pyrex® dish in the oven at 350ºF for 25 minutes or until crisp.</span>


<span class="ev_code_GREEN">simply steam them whole (cutting an X in the bottom root end about 1/8th to 3/16ths inch deep)</span>
<span class="ev_code_GREEN">steam over boiling water (about 5 minutes) until bright green and tender. </span>
<span class="ev_code_GREEN">then season them how you like. (S&P or some other...)</span>

I like steaming them about 3 minutes, then placing them in a Pyrex® dish and drizzle melted butter over them,
coating every one of them then shaking seasoned bread crumbs over everything. Coating all.
Then bake the sprouts at 375ºF until they look GREAT!

Good luck!
Another at gooder is:

Balsamic braised sprouts with crispy croutons

4 slices of white bread, cut into 1-inch cubes
Extra-virgin olive oil
1 1/2 pints brussels sprouts, thinly sliced or shaved on a mandolin
2 medium shallots, diced
1 head of garlic, smashed
4 sprigs fresh thyme, leaves only
Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper
1 pint of low-sodium chicken stock
2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
2 tablespoons chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley
Begin by making the croutons. Set a large saute pan over medium heat and add 3 tablespoons of olive oil. Toss in croutons and toss to coat evenly with oil. Cook over medium heat for 5-7 minutes until crispy and golden brown. Season with salt and set aside.
In the same pan add another 2 tablespoons of olive oil and add garlic, thyme and shallots. Saute gently until translucent, then add shaved brussels sprouts. Season with salt and pepper, then add chicken stock and balsamic vinegar. Reduce heat, cover slightly and simmer for 15 minutes until brussels sprouts are well cooked. Remove heat and reduce liquid for 2-3 minutes before folding in flat-leaf parsley. Serve topped with crispy croutons.
Good recipe Jim. I haven't done b'sprouts on the grill, but I've been enjoying them all winter long roasted in the oven. I simply use EVOO, salt, pepper, a dash of chili flakes. When tender and crispy, add a dash of balsamic vinegar, toss and serve.
ya know Gar & Stef, brussels are like THEE greatest veggie packed with the most unusual flavours anyone can eet!
An' makin'um is soo EZ2DO,... i wonder when folks like Mister Correll is gonna comeAround to the big BS
I roast them like I roast most vegs - drizzled with oil in a 400 oven. (I do like them shaved too.)

Preheat the oven with the pan you're going to use already in it (use a pan large enough to contain the sprouts without crowding - there should be plenty of space); meanwhile, thinly trim the dry bottoms and remove any loose or discolored leaves.

When the oven is hot drizzle a little oil in the hot pan, add the sprouts, give the pan a shake to distribute the sprouts and lightly film them with oil, then cover the pan with foil, sealing well* and return to the oven. Roast 5 min then remove the foil and continue roasting, shaking the pan every 7-10 min, till the sprouts are tender and nicely browned in spots.

I make any additions during the last few minutes of cooking. Salt and white pepper are musts for me. Sometimes I'll add a handful of seedless red grapes and a couple tablespoons of minced shallot along with a good squeeze of lemon. Other times, lemon, mint and garlic. Toasted almonds or hazelnuts are good additions. Sometimes minced cooked bacon and minced onion and thyme. Lots of possibilities. Or I just use salt and white pepper and serve them as a tapa before dinner, with a cheese sauce for dipping, and a glass of crisp white wine.


* The foil lid can be skipped but it useful when roasting dense vegetables. It gets the heat going better. Don't leave the foil on for more than 5 min. (If steaming, do not cover the pot when cooking Brussels sprouts (or any of the Brassica family - broccoli, cabbage, etc.). Leave the lid off or only partially cover. This avoids the buildup of volatiles common to the Brassica family that are released during cooking that can lead to the dank-ish, musty-ish flavors that are one of the reasons many don't like them, and can affect color.)
see... learn new stuff EVERY day!
Great stuff Kevin!
I like the idea of grapes and shallots...
W O N D E R F U L ! Thank you!
I have to say my wife is more a fan...
I do like them roasted. EVOO, S&P roasted on a sheet pan until they caramelize. If you over cook them... they get bitter... more bitter.
I was like Jim when I was a kid. HATED them. I had to cover them with enough grated parmesan cheese to choke a horse just to choke 'em down! Now that I'm a little older,I like fresh ones,cooked like Ted ,Kevin and Gary said. 400*,EVOO,S & P,20 minutes later,you got some good eats!

