BRITU question (no wood on WSM)


Ken Cromwell

New member
I was wondering if it is worth attempting to cook these ribs on the smoker without the reccommended Oak or Cherry wood chunks that the recipe calls for. I made the rub and will be starting the coals soon and can't find wood chunks ANYWHERE in my area. All I have are chips and from what I have been reading you don't want to place chips in the smoker. Anything else I can use as a sub or do you suggest I scrap this now? Is there any way I can substitute some chips versus the blocks of wood? I don't want to ruin the ribs. Thank you in advance!
You won't ruin the ribs even if you use no wood. They just won't be smoky. That said, you certainly can use chips. Make a couple or three foil pouches for your chips. You can put them on all at once (wait till the ribs are in the cooker), or you can put two in upfront and one later (if using three), or you can put in one after the other.

Enjoy your cook!
Sounds like a plan to me. Thats what I will do as soon as I'm done typing this! I appreciate the speedy reply and excellent suggestion. This is only my second time using the WSM and I'm looking forward to it!

