BRITU, Damn they were tasty


Jon MI

TVWBB Super Fan
Made my first batch of BRITU. I did do some minor adjustments to it, but basically went by the "rules". Those that have done this recipe know what I'm talking about when I sam, Damn, those were some mighty tasty ribs! They just might be the best ribs I've ever had!

Those that have not done these yet, you're missing out!
Tasty ribs heck they are the best ribs in the universe.

I didn't try that recipe til about 8 months after I found this site. I haven't went back and I haven't been able to try any other recipe because those britu ribs are soooo gooood .
I have dane many racks of ribs, My first choice of things to cook, but I have yet to try the BRITU lol. Some day.
Glad you liked them Jon. Haven't heard to many complaints with them yet. What wood did you use?

I would highly suggest cutting the salt down by as much as half. I didn't find it that bad, but I also went pretty light on the rub.

I also don't use much salt around the house.

