Hi Jim!!
As you know, I help run another recipe board and we deal in some clones. The Outback is a clone but is VERY good and my neighbors tell me it is the same as the Outback...how they know this I have no idea!!
Country Bob's is like a sweetened A-1 steak sauce. I know him and have about a hundred "free bottle" coupons. His web site is
www.countrybobs.com He has a store locator and will send you free coupons as well.
Here is the Outback seasoning......
Outback Steakhouse Beef seasoning
2 teaspoon(s) Salt
1 teaspoon Paprika
1/2 teaspoon Black pepper, coarsely ground
1/4 teaspoon Onion powder
1/4 teaspoon Garlic powder
1/4 teaspoon Cayenne pepper
dash Coriander
dash Turmeric
Mix together and use on any beef.