Brisket wood

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Joe McManus

TVWBB All-Star
Hoping not to open a can of worms here.

Smoking brisket tonight and have the choices of several woods. Wondering which one to go for.

1) really nice oak
2) really nice cherry
3) hickory chunks from a bag

How does cherry work with beef? I'm thinking I'll probably go with the oak this time around, but I'm really eager to try out the cherry.
Hey Joe,

I like to blend. I think I would go 50% oak,25% cherry, and 25% hickory. What ever you do , let us know how it went.......Have fun!!

Some people swear by cherry, and I really like it with chicken. I tried it one time on a prime rib, and thought it didn't really go together with the beef. I would go with the oak, just my opinion. Also, people always rip on mesquite, but to heck with them. I like mesquite on brisket.
I used a blend of Hickory/Mesquite last weekend and thought it tasted great. Haven't tried cherry on brisket yet, sounds a little to tame for me.
Well ill tell ya my lil story from a newbie.....always used mesquite.... nice and strong and that "bbq" taste ive always thought of.....i tried Hickory on suggestion from this site.....oh forget about it.. aint going back.....smoky flavor a lil sweet.. PERFECT....also cherry i use on chicken....also great........ but try that hickory...its nice.....
Just an update.

Went with traditional wood for brisket. Several (rather large) chunks of oak and two smallish hickory chunks. Turned out great.

Some of the best brisket I've prepared thus far. Tried some new techniques on the brisket that seemed to work. Also went with a little more smoke wood than I would have in the past. Trying to get more smoke flavor into the meat earlier in the cook. Seems to be working. My normal meat guy also tried out a different supplier of briskets. That worked out great as the briskets he had were much better than the IBP packers he's been getting. These just looked good, felt more tender, had nice marbling. First thing I did today was to call him up and tell him to save the particulars on this supplier as I was impressed with the product.
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